Coaching Cultures in Schools

Creating a Coaching Culture

We all know the impact that great teachers have. So, how can school leaders support teachers and build their capability? Coaching offers a structured way of developing others’ talent. Educational leadership guru John Hattie has highlighted the importance of coaching for ‘facilitating self-directed learning, personal growth, and improved performance’*. How can you become a more effective coach?

Foundational Coaching Mindsets

To be a great coach, you need to be fully present for the other person. You need to sharpen your listening skills, learn to listen for feelings and values, and know how to use targeted questions to help the other person move forward.

Everyone is different, so you will need to flex your approach with each person. Our Four Faces model can help you identify which coaching face is needed - when to stretch the other person, when to give feedback and when to simply offer support.

Level One: Foundational Coaching Mindsets

To be a great coach, you need to be fully present for the other person. You need to sharpen your listening skills, learn to listen for feelings and values, and know how to use targeted questions to help the other person move forward.

Everyone is different, so you will need to flex your approach with each person. Our Four Faces model can help you identify which coaching face is needed - when to stretch the other person, when to give feedback and when to simply offer support.

Level Two: Advanced Coaching Mindsets

Once you have mastered the fundamentals of coaching, you may be inspired to take your coaching to a new level. Our advanced coaching mindsets enable you to widen your coaching toolkit to handle different coaching situations. You can learn how to build trust and respect, and how best to support others with issues of confidence and personal resilience. This curriculum draws from our book The Four Greatest Coaching Conversations - named by Forbes as #1 of 7 Books that will Improve your Performance at Work.

Build your coaching capability 

There is no better way to improve your coaching than by experiencing a professional coach in action. BTS Spark Coaching Capability programs are delivered by professional coaches who will share the tricks of their trade.

We don’t believe that one coaching framework is all you need for every coaching situation. Our programs deliberately introduce you to a range of new coaching strategies that you can apply immediately in your everyday conversations at school.

Hear a superintendent explain how the adult-to-adult interactions influence culture

Schools use coaching in different ways. Some have dedicated time for formal teacher coaching, lesson observation and feedback. Others are looking to enhance the quality of everyday professional conversations. Some schools are asking all teachers to adopt a coaching approach with their students. Other schools are seeking formal coaching accreditation for key people.

We’re always happy to advise on which programs could best meet your school’s needs. Our advice is free and there’s never any obligation, so just get in touch whenever you’re ready.