Reflecting on
my leadership

Reflecting on my leadership

Life can be hectic, and many leaders find it hard to create the time and space to reflect on their own leadership practice. You may have attended a leadership programme or had a great mentor in the past, but the challenges in your school, trust or organisation are continually changing, and it may help to pause and consider how you can further extend your leadership skillset to achieve your best work given your current leadership context.

We know the typical challenges that leaders face. An analysis of over 100,000 coaching conversations enabled us to uncover the range of issues that leaders consistently find most difficult… this research then formed the basis of our leadership mindset curriculum.

Which of these 33 leadership mindsets are most relevant for you right now?

(Hover over the curriculum below to see a description of each mindset)

Personal Leadership Review

Our flexible 1:1 coaching programmes typically start with a personal leadership review. Choose from an initial self-assessment, or a 360 degree review drawing on feedback from your colleagues. This helps you consider your natural strengths and development areas across our 33 leadership mindsets, and to identify current priorities for you, given your unique leadership context. You will then discuss your reflections with a personal leadership coach during an hour-long coaching session. Your coach will help you get clear on how you want to develop your leadership and the impact you hope to achieve.

Hear how one headteacher benefitted from her coaching journey

Ever wondered how to best make the most of the PDP budgets for your school’s leaders? You can use the Leadership Booster as a one-off opportunity for them to reflect and review – or as a springboard for them to create their own flexible coaching programme.

The first step is an online Personal Leadership Review, followed by step two, where a professional leadership coach spends 60 minutes debriefing each leader to help them get clear on how they want to develop their leadership. To request a demo of the Personal Leadership Review, type ‘PLR demo please’ in the comment box on this form and we’ll arrange it.